International flags in a line in the sky


International companies turn to Baker Tilly for global foresight, insight and resources to help them stay ahead of, and quickly respond to, change.


  1. Jigna Doshi

    Jigna Doshi

    CPA, MBA


  2. Joe Kiuchi

    Joe Kiuchi

    CPA, MBA


  3. Anthony Leung

    Anthony Leung



  4. Pietro M. Stuardi

    Pietro M. Stuardi

    CPA, MST


  5. Jack Torpey

    Jack Torpey



Baker Tilly understands change is a trigger for growth-minded organizations to evaluate their strategies and the tactics that follow.

Such companies turn to us for global foresight, insight and resources to help them stay ahead of, and quickly respond to, change.

At a glance

Organizations decide to be global for a combination of reasons — access to new markets; diversification; to gain a competitive edge. Sometimes an organization’s first step into an international market is at the beckoning of a leading customer's request.

Indeed the opportunity to grow top-line revenues, achieve greater economies of scale and strengthen the overall enterprise is great. However, as we look at the changing landscape of global trade we see that it's not what globalization and global pressures will do for organization but it's what it'll do to them If they don't properly prepare, plan and adapt.

Baker Tilly understands change is a trigger for growth-minded organizations to evaluate their strategies and the tactics that follow.

Such companies turn to us for global foresight, insight and resources to help them stay ahead of, and quickly respond to, change.

Baker Tilly’s international service specialists support executives whose current or future business success is dependent upon foreign markets and/or global supply chains. As an extension of your team, our turnkey support allows you to adapt as needed, and quickly do everything that is required of you to successfully overcome challenges, conquer new markets and operate across international borders. Beyond creating plans, we roll up our sleeves and help you get it done!

When it comes to building a more productive and profitable future, we listen to your global growth questions as well as offer a few of our own. It all starts with a conversation.

Baker Tilly placed us 200 percent ahead of our growth plan abroad in one-fourth the time compared to an independent effort without their support.
A. Jones, VP International Growth, S&C Electric

Baker Tilly International

As a US$5.2 billion global organization, Baker Tilly International member firms in 141 territories have the scale to meet your growing needs and the agility that helps you stay one step ahead.

When you choose to work with Baker Tilly, you choose a network that believes in the power of great relationships, great conversations and great futures.

Together we help guide you through the ever-changing business world, with a team of professionals who understand multinationals and global persons, who speak the language and deliver results in tax, audit and advisory support.

Baker Tilly’s [International footprint] was everywhere we needed to be. Baker Tilly’s leadership at home and constant attention to the overall relationship, orchestrating like-minded auditors around the world, provides us with both the needed compliance and one integrated view of our financial results.
Sue Keyes, Vice President and CFO, S&C Electric Company
[Baker Tilly] accomplished in a short period what would have taken many months and copious resources for our team to achieve. They effectively accelerated our path to increased global growth in a manner far greater than we would have been able to reach by ourselves.
G. Abusamra, CEO, Oxus America
ShopperTrak has worked with [Baker Tilly] as we have considered our path forward in Brazil and other LatAm [Latin American] countries. They are an extension of our team, as we navigate the cultural, linguistic, and business nuances of the region. The bottom line: outcomes are faster and more beneficial when both the American company and the potential LatAm partner have [Baker Tilly] as a bridge to forge the best outcome.
Z. Jarrell, CFO, ShopperTrak
Approachability, knowledge, and international reach were critical areas in East Balt’s consideration and ultimate selection of Baker Tilly.
Dave Watkins, former CFO of East Balt Bakeries